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Field Import

These guide will help you to import your field data from the various sources.

Click on Fields Import to start the Import process.

Select Your Source

In the Select import type field, select the type of your source files.
You have the following options available

  • kml/kmz - This format is used in Google Earth
  • shp (Shape) - Many GIS systems support this format
  • shp as ANDI - This data format is reserved for farmers in Lower Saxony

Make your decision based on your source material.

Upload Data

Follow the instructions in the system to select the correct files in order to import them without errors.

shp - Shape

If you want to import a shapefile, you must select at least one shp, one shx and one dbf file.
A prj file, which defines the projection in which a shape file exists, should also be selected.

If this is not used, the projection must be selected manually in the next step

shp from Andi

In addition to the files described here under shp, an xml file must also be selected. A prj file is not necessary, as all Andi files are available in the same projection.

Once you have selected the files, click on "Check format". This will transfer the files to the server and further options will be displayed.

For ANDI files, Raindancer usually sets the values of the selection boxes automatically to match the required data.


If Raindancer cannot determine the projection, you can make a manual selection here. 
This should only be the case for shp files without a prj file. 


Raindancer is capable of managing multiple field groups. You have the option to input free text to define a new group or choose from the existing groups. To update existing fields with data from the import file, it is required that the field in the database and the fields in the file belong to the same group. If they do not, an assignment cannot be created, and the field from the file will be added as needed.

Filed identifier

The field identifier defines the property by which a field from the file is assigned to a field in the database.

If you select "Do not use import identifier", all fields in the file are considered new fields and no assignment is made.

This can lead to overlapping. This can lead to unpredictable behaviour. Make sure that the fields are not exactly "on top of each other".

The preferred option is "Use geographic area for mapping".

This option enables Raindancer to compare the geographical position of the field in the file against that in the database. If there is sufficient overlap between both fields, an assignment is made. The new field must match at least 90% of the old field - if this criterion is met by multiple fields, the one with the smallest area outside the intersection is chosen.

All other options are associated with a data column in the field file.

Field Identifier and Field Number

All the data columns from the file are displayed. The values from the selected column are utilized as the field identifier or the field number.

Field Name

All the data columns from the file are displayed. The values from the selected column are used as the field names.

The select boxes each give you an example of the data contained in the column Look carefully for your desired data.

Area Calculation

Select the area calculation method that suits you best.

For your first import, it is advantageous if you have the area calculated using the geodata.
The appropriate option for doing this is calculate area if no area is available yet


Here, you can select a file column from which the crop type is to be obtained. For each value in this column, a new crop type is created in the system if it does not already exist and assigned to the corresponding field.

Update existing field properties

  • Crops
  • Number
  • Name

of assigned fields in the database is updated.

Update Existing Field Coordinates

The geography of an assigned field in the database is only updated if this option is set.

Deactivate fields that are not present in the import

If the fields have been assigned by geographic position, all fields in the client that are not present in the field file are deactivated. 

Do not add new fields from import and only include existing fields

No new fields are created, only updates to existing fields in the database.